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WCU summer missions aim to help heal a broken world


Special to Long Beach Breeze

William Carey University’s Baptist Student Union (BSU) sent twenty-one summer missionaries to ten countries and six U.S. states to serve in hard-to-reach places. Some students made contact with tribal villages; others used their creativity and energy to minister to needy families with children.  Long Beach resident Madelyn Lynch served in South America.

Whatever the assignment, the goal was the same – tell the good news that God has come to heal a broken world through his son, Jesus Christ.

“Summer missions is one of the favorite parts of my job,” said Dr. Landon Adams, BSU director. “We send students all over the world and all around our country. They’re helping church planters, they’re helping career missionaries, and some are doing humanitarian work. But, whatever they’re doing, they’re taking the good news of Jesus with them.”

Eight of this summer’s missionaries served in Washington, Utah, Arizona, Texas, Maryland and New York. Thirteen served outside of the country.

“This year, for the first time in my career, we had at least one student serving on every continent except Antarctica,” Adams said.

“As a university, we join in the greater vision of William Carey, who said, ‘Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.’ The summer missionary program provides a snapshot of the two great cooperative efforts of Baptists – missions and education.”