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Women’s Community Support Center!


We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that houses both the Magdalene House and the Christian Women’s Job Corps program

Magdalene House is a long-term residential program for women coming out of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. The participant may live in the house for approximately 6 months provided she is fully engaged in the program. Our goal is by the time the participant is moving on, she has obtained full-time employment, has a place to live, and has reliable transportation. In other words, she can live independently.

We believe the most important aspects for our participants is for them to:

1. Begin to know and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and develop a community within a local church. 2. Become actively involved in an addiction recovery group and develop a community to be accountable to.

3. Become self-supporting, productive members within our community.

Christian Women’s Job Corp., a nationally recognized ministry, offers women free classes which include:

-Job Skills classes covering resume writing, completing applications, GED preparation, communication skills, work ethic

-Life Skills training covering money management, anger management, health, nutrition and fitness

-Individual Christian mentors who help establish and measure long and short-term goals

-Bible Study on a variety of topics from Biblical overview to dealing with life’s struggles

All classes and training are geared towards preparing these women for full-time meaningful employment.

The Christian Women’s Job Corp. program is also offered free to any women in the community who are willing and able to attend the weekly classes for the 8 weeks where they are responsible for their own transportation to and from the center. These women do not reside at Magdalene House but do use the facility for the classes.

For more information go to: www.womenscommunitysupport.org