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LB Excellence in Education awards scholarships


Special to Long Beach Breeze

The Long Beach Excellence in Education Foundation has funded five $1,000 scholarships to 2024 Long Beach High School (LBHS) graduating seniors. To be eligible for consideration, applicants had to possess strong leadership skills, academic achievement, strong work ethic and community involvement.

The 2024 LBSD Scholarship – Honoring Fred Walker award recipients were Shaniece Chapple, Brianna Dunning, Jessica James, Jayla LaGarde and KeAira Smith.

Chapple plans to attend the University of South Alabama and pursue a degree in exercise science. She has been very active in both dance and softball during her high school career.

Dunning plans to attend Louisiana State University and pursue her degree in performing arts. During high school, her interests included both dance and art.

James plans to attend the University of Southern Mississippi and pursue a degree in performing arts: theatre and dance. During high school, she was active in dance and the theatre arts program.

LaGarde plans to attend the University of Mississippi and study broadcast journalism. At LBHS, she was a cheerleader and very active in the broadcast journalism program, serving the program in many capacities.

Smith plans to attend Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and pursue a career in dental hygiene. During high school, Smith’s interests included business and marketing.

The foundation was formed to support the Long Beach School District by supplementing programs for staff and students. During the 2023-24 school year, the foundation has also funded teacher grants and sponsored several staff recognition programs.

The group’s efforts are made possible through donations and fundraising. For more information regarding the foundation, contact them at LBExcellenceInEducation@gmail.com, or tax-deductible donations may be made at https://bit.ly/LB-EEF.